Easy Realistic Cat Ears Tutorial

Author's Note: Ahhh I know this entry is coming a little bit later than usual from when I had posted my tutorial but hey, better now than never!! (...I'm sorry forgive meee!!)

Anywho!! My lovelies I've come to you with another original tutorial: how to make your own pair of cute deluxe cat ears! I've always gotten into the habit of simply putting together my own method of creating various DIY's because the ones I find are either too long/complicated or require items not available to me...  or simply the items are too expensive OTL. But since I'm here to help you guys out I'll always come up with something affordable for everybody!!

 ♡ enjoy & share if you found it useful!  ♡ (skip to 4:20 to the finish mark!)

Now not only are these cat ears are suitable for cosplay, but they're also suitable for other costumes that come with animal ears such as with fox characters or wolf ones! Just follow the same steps to create any shape and size of ears. I think making your own animal ears for something like a halloween costume would also up the quality of the outfit tenthfold, instead of buying costume ears.

NOTE: someone had also recently PM'd me if I could post the original pattern I used but unfortunately I had lost it in the depths of my messy bedroom... (ah yeesh. you guys don't want to see my desk ahahah)

Since the reception of my tutorial has already been so positive (so happy!) and because I've received a few requests to do so... I will be creating a partner DIY for the cat ears, but next time it'll be how to make your own realistic cat tail!!   I'll be posting it in the future so please look forward to it!

I hope you guys enjoyed the tutorial!  If you'd like me to create a tutorial for something specific please drop it in the comments! Thanks for watching/reading as always!


  1. this is a really cute neko <3 love it.. those ears look great, and easy to make. good tutorials <3

    1. wah thank you so much!! ( ु•⌄• )✧♡ I'm excited to try making the tail too~!

  2. Do u have a shop where I can buy them?

    1. Sorry, I haven't gotten any plans to produce/sell these atm!

  3. Gostaria muito do molde para tentar fazer (> <)

  4. Gostaria muito do molde para tentar fazer (> <)

  5. This cat ear DIY is really helpful and inspiring.


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